Last week, members of the PICK-PLACE consortium gathered at CNR-STIIMA’s headquarters in Milan (Italy) for a plenary meeting and an in-depth visit to their facilities, where relevant previous deployments and new experiments carried our within the project were presented.
During the plenary meeting, progress made in each work-package was shared, with a special focus on WP5: System deployment and process validation. A session was also devoted to an extensive discussion on the pilots to be implemented within the next few months, always with the goal of sharing partial results in the mid-project review meeting, as a means of making sure that all expected results are successfully achieved by the end of the project.

Partners visited CNR-STIIMA’s facilities and learned more about several applications developed by this research center, especially experiments related to human-robot collaboration. A post with further information about project partner CNR-STIIMA (Italian Research Council’s Institute of industrial technologies and automation), and the video recorded during the meeting will published in this blog.
Another aspect that was debated during the plenary meeting was the project’s approach to industrial dissemination. LOGIMAT 2019 fair will be an excelent occasion to interact with industrial companies. A new “Forum” section, as well as a specific questionnaire for intra-logistics and handling solutions companies will soon be uploaded to the project’s website.