Since the project PICK-PLACE started in early 2018, achieving an accurate definition of users’ needs has been one of the most relevant activities. After elaborating the final version of Deliverable 1.1, we can say this activity has been successfully completed. It is a very important milestone, since users’ needs serve as a starting point for the requirements of the developments to be carried out, as well as for the design of …Read More
PARTNER PROFILE: ULMA Handling Systems (Spain)
In this series, members of the PICK-PLACE consortium are portrayed. After Turkish automotive company TOFAŞ, it’s the turn of project coordinator ULMA Handling Systems. Leire Zubia, I+D technician, answers the interview. What is ULMA Handling Systems? ULMA Handling Systems is an intra logistic solution system provider located in the Basque Country, in the town of Oñati. We carry out our comprehensive engineering activity in material handling systems through a wide range …Read More
In this series, members of the PICK-PLACE consortium are portrayed, starting with Turkish automotive company TOFAŞ. Nuri Ertekin, Industrial Research Specialist at TOFAŞ, answers the interview. What is TOFAŞ? TOFAŞ was established in 1968 and started production in 1971 by the late Vehbi Koç, founder of the Koç Group, and jointly owned by Koç Holding and FIAT Chrysler Automobiles. It is today one of FCA three globally strategic production hubs on over one million …Read More
PROJECT NEWS: PICK-PLACE plenary meeting and scenario visit at TOFAS, Turkey
Last week, members of the PICK-PLACE consortium moved to TOFAS’ (Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi) headquarters in Bursa, Turkey, for a plenary meeting and a comprehensive visit to the most promising scenarios for the project.
PROJECT NEWS: PICK-PLACE project’s kick-off meeting and upcoming activities
PICK-PLACE project’s kick-off meeting took place at ULMA HANDLING SYSTEM’s facilities (located in Oñati, Basque Country, Spain) on January 30-31 2018. Representatives from all partners involved in the consortium traveled to the coordinator’s headquarters. According to Leire Zubia, project coordinator, and Oier Álvarez, both from ULMA HANDLING SYSTEMS: The main goal of the PICK-PLACE project is to develop human speed manipulators able to grasp and handle complex objects. We’re happy with …Read More
PICK-PLACE: A new concept for a hybrid pick-and-place solution
Six European partners coordinated by ULMA HANDLING SYSTEMS will develop a new concept for a safe, flexible, efficient and dependable hybrid pick-and-place solution. The project – PICK-PLACE – will last for 36 months, has a total budget of 3.085 million euros and has received funding from the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, under grant agreement No. 780488. Picking, placing and packaging are basic operations in most robotic applications, …Read More