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PICK-PLACE focuses on flexible, safe and dependable robotic part-handling in industrial environments. The project proposes a combination of human and robot capabilities in order to achieve this efficient hybrid pick-and-place / pick-and-package solution. It includes dynamic package configuration, flexible grasping strategies using an innovative multifunctional gripper, robust environment perception and mechanisms and strategies for human-robot collaboration.

Learn more about PICK-PLACE

PROJECT MILESTONE: PICK-PLACE mid-project review meeting

Last week, members of the PICK-PLACE consortium gathered for a mid-proyect review meeting at the European Forum in Luxemburg. The meeting was attended by all partners (ULMA Handling Systems, IK4-TEKNIKER, Mondragon Assembly, CNR-STIIMA, Fraunhofer-IFF and TOFAS) as well as by project officer Irene Sardellitti and expert Norbert Kruger. Read more

TECHNICAL GUEST POST: Reactive grasping using tactile sensors (Fraunhofer-IFF)

Industrial bin-picking applications usually involve a vision system. These systems identify and localize the objects to be picked, and also often suggest an optimal picking strategy. In such situations, the robot moves from its original position to the defined grasp position of the object inside the bin (as defined by the vision system), grasps the object, and moves it to the final placing position. However this whole process raises some thorny questions: Read more

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